Board of Trustees


Oak Knoll Montessori School is incorporated as a non-profit, public benefit corporation and governed by a self-perpetuating, voluntary Board of Trustees. The Board serves as the custodian of the integrity of the school, holding in trust the school’s future, as well as its present. Included among the Board’s responsibilities are determining the school’s mission, setting strategic direction, hiring and supporting the Chief Executive Officer/Head of School (who sits on the Board in an ex-officio, non-voting capacity), ensuring effective organizational planning and adequate financial resources, and assessing its own performance. The Board meets throughout the year on a monthly basis. The annual meeting of the Board is held each May; at that meeting, the Board elects its Officers.

As dictated by the school’s Bylaws, the Board is comprised of a minimum of five Trustees who are nominated by the Committee on Trustees and Governance which, among other responsibilities, is charged with identifying potential Trustees. A highly functioning board has a blend of talents and backgrounds that work in concert to support the institution in fulfilling its mission and setting and monitoring policy. The qualities common to all Trustees are the commitment of time to serve, the commitment of resources to provide leadership in the school’s fundraising activities, and the commitment of support of the vision, mission, and strategic direction for the school and for the Chief Executive Officer in discharging her responsibilities. Prospective Trustees nominated by the Committee on Trustees and Governance must be voted on by the full Board.

The Oak Knoll Board of Trustees focuses on three areas critical to the success of any independent school: 

  1. It selects, evaluates and supports the Head of School, to whom it delegates authority to manage the school

  2. It develops broad institutional policies that guide the Head in running the school

  3. It is accountable for the financial well-being of the school. 

In the conduct of its official business, the Board acts only as a whole; individual Trustees, including the Board Chair, have no authority to act unless specifically authorized to do so by the Board acting as a whole.

Parents interested in high-level decision-making are encouraged to stay informed about the Board of Trustees' work by reading school publications, talking to the Head of School, and attending appropriate meetings.

Apply here to express your interest in serving on Oak Knoll’s Board of Trustees.